Point of Inquiry is the Center for Inquiry's flagship podcast, where the brightest minds of our time sound off on all the things you're not supposed to talk about at the dinner table: science, religion, and politics. Guests have included Brian Greene, Susan Jacoby, Richard Dawkins, Ann Druyan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Eugenie Scott, Adam Savage, Bill Nye, and Francis Collins. Point of Inquiry is produced at the Center for Inquiry in Amherst, N.Y.


Title Date published
John Cook - The Debunking Handbook 2011-12-20
Daniel Dennett - The Scientific Study of Religion 2011-12-13
Robert McCauley - Why Religion is Natural (And Science is Not) 2011-12-05
Scott Gavura - Dispensing Skepticism 2011-11-29
Jonathan Weiler - Authoritarians Versus Reality 2011-11-21
Tom Flynn - The Trouble With Christmas 2011-11-17
Bill Nye - In Praise of Reason (and Skepticism) 2011-11-08
Seth Shostak - ET, Call SETI 2011-11-01
Jonathan Moreno - Our New Biopolitics 2011-10-24
Richard C. Johnson - Religion: The Failed Narrative 2011-10-19
Shawn Otto - The Assault on Science 2011-10-11
CSICon - The Conference Dedicated To Scientific Inquiry And Critical Thinking 2011-10-06
Indre Viskontas - The Miracle Detective 2011-10-04
Austin Dacey - Rock the Theocrats 2011-09-27
Lee Salisbury - From Faith to Critical Thinking 2011-09-20
Rachel Tabachnick - Exposing Dominionism 2011-09-12
John Dodes - The Tooth About Dentistry 2011-09-07
Scott Atran - Violent Extremism and Sacred Values 2011-08-30
Dan Barker - U-Turn on the Road to Damascus 2011-08-23
Did Reason Evolve For Arguing? - Hugo Mercier 2011-08-15

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