The Politics Guys is an independent, bipartisan, ideologically diverse American politics and policy podcast hosted by experts: political scientists, law professors, practicing attorneys, and former government officials. Our mission is to give listeners a much-needed break from conservative and liberal echo chambers through civil, rational, and evidence-based discussion of American politics and policy from multiple perspectives. In addition to our weekly news discussion, we feature regular interviews with leading figures from across the ideological spectrum. Past guests include Representatives Jim Jordan, Thomas Massie, and Rob Wittman; Jeffrey Sachs; Tyler Cowen; Bryan Caplan; Dan Carlin; Larry Sabato; and Lawrence Lessig. 


Title Date published
Amy Coney Barrett Nomination, Breonna Taylor, Politicizing a Vaccine 2020-09-27
David Litt on Reforming American Democracy (in one book or less) 2020-09-25
Election 2020: Foreign Policy & The Military 2020-09-23
Ginsburg’s Death, Trump vs Redfield on COVID, AG Barr’s Contentious Comments 2020-09-19
Election 2020: Trump and Biden on The Economy 2020-09-16
DOJ Intervenes, Record Deficit, COVID Bill Fails 2020-09-11
Election 2020: Trump and Biden on COVID-19 and Healthcare 2020-09-09
Law & Order, CDC Eviction Moratorium, Vaccine by Nov 1?, Trump vs WHO on Vaccine Program 2020-09-05
Election 2020: What Makes a Good President?, VP Picks, Polls & Predictions 2020-09-02
Republican Convention, Kenosha, Republicans for Biden 2020-08-29
Election 2020: Vote Fraud & Election Security 2020-08-26
The Democratic National Convention, The Senate Intelligence Report, Steve Bannon 2020-08-22
Reforming Criminal Justice: Plea Bargaining, “Legal Fictions”, and Sentencing 2020-08-19
Let Them Eat Tweets! 2020-08-15
Coronavirus Legislation, Primary Elections, Medicaid Expansion 2020-08-08
Stella Immanuel, Barr Testifies, Big Tech Hearings, Stimulus Stalls 2020-08-01
Portland Protests, Operation Legend, Census Concerns, Cancelled Convention, COVID-19 2020-07-25
John Lewis, Masks, Federal Executions, Trump Campaign Shakeup 2020-07-18
Stone Commutation, Opening Schools, SCOTUS on Trump’s Finances & the Electoral College 2020-07-11
Independence Day, COVID Masks, Russian Bounties, Abortion Rights, Religious Freedom 2020-07-04

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