Tom Merritt and the team help you stay up to date with an independent, authoritative and trustworthy tech news briefing.


Title Date published
Real Quick, Yes & No - DTNS 3618 2019-09-17
Sky-Hi Hi-Fi Wi-Fi - DTNS 3617 2019-09-16
SCORECARD: VR isn't Dead, MoviePass Is - DTNS 3616 2019-09-13
A Huawei Out - DTNS 3615 2019-09-12
X Marks the Cross - DTNS 3614 2019-09-11
Apple event: New iPhone, New iPad, New Watch - DTNS 3613 2019-09-10
Toughbook, Good Show - DTNS 3612 2019-09-09
Is the Tank Half Empty or Half Full - DTNS 3611 2019-09-06
You're in my Facebook Top 9 - DTNS 3610 2019-09-05
Speakin' of Speakers - DTNS 3609 2019-09-04
Deep Mind Craft - DTNS 3608 2019-09-03
Don't Leave the Nest – DTNS 3607 2019-08-30
Cranking Up The Retro - DTNS 3606 2019-08-29
Siri-ous Changes at Apple - DTNS 3605 2019-08-28
Self-Yelp – DTNS 3604 2019-08-27
Tax Wars: A New Hope - DTNS 3603 2019-08-26
Cell Data Is Rotten In Denmark – DTNS 3602 2019-08-23
The Daily Tech Knewz - DTNS 3601 2019-08-22
India: The Prime Frontier - DTNS 3600 2019-08-21
Grading on an Algorithmic Curve – DTNS 3599 2019-08-20

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