The podcast discussing fitness lifestyle, the keto diet, science, nutrition, contest prep, the fitness industry, business, and the pursuit of happiness! There will be several different podcast guests that will consist of athletes, experts in the health and nutrition industry, and other people of interest!


Title Date published
Tony Portera on ultra endurance running!! 2018-09-14
Jesse Jones on turning his life around with keto! 2018-09-10
Dr. Ken Berry on breaking the diabetes epidemic! 2018-09-07
Ben Greenfield on complete optimization! 2018-09-03
Aaron Day on overcoming fear of the unknown! 2018-09-01
Danny Vega on mindset, growth, building muscle, and life! 2018-08-27
Lauren Berryhill on transforming her health and her life! 2018-08-24
Christos Ruci on eating disorders and journey to keto! 2018-08-20
Ali Miller on functional health and holistic healing! 2018-08-17
Evan Sims on keto and creating Peak Yogurt! 2018-08-13
Will Watterson on leveraging keto for rock climbing! 2018-08-10
Jeffery Heubschman on gut health and nutritional therapy! 2018-08-06
Joe Heitzeberg, founder of Crowd Cow, on craft beef! 2018-08-03
Robby Rowland on using keto for professional baseball! 2018-07-30
Jeff Frese of Fat Snax on improving your keto journey! 2018-07-27
Aaron Duprey on creating content to pay it forward! 2018-07-23
Louis Armstrong on starting a keto food business and hunting! 2018-07-20
Channing Vidal on beating all the distractions in life! 2018-07-15
Matthew Nelson on leveraging keto for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! 2018-07-13
Kristin Rowell, endurance athlete, bodybuilder, and superhuman! 2018-07-09

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