The podcast discussing fitness lifestyle, the keto diet, science, nutrition, contest prep, the fitness industry, business, and the pursuit of happiness! There will be several different podcast guests that will consist of athletes, experts in the health and nutrition industry, and other people of interest!


Title Date published
Jimmy Moore on the keto diet revolution! 2018-03-30
Rob Dionne of Open Sky Fitness on daily routines, parenting, and balance! 2018-03-26
Josh Sutelman on training techniques and optimizing your program! 2018-03-23
Miles Russell on extreme weight loss and transforming with keto! 2018-03-19
Sahil Makhija of Headbanger's Kitchen on keto and heavy metal! 2018-03-16
Ben Phelps of Primal Bro on building from the ground up! 2018-03-12
Fahad Ahmad, founder of Keto Geek, on keto and life! 2018-03-09
Michael Griffith on physical therapy and 3D training! 2018-03-05
Brian Williamson, founder of Ketovangelist, on life and purpose! 2018-03-02
Adam Schaeuble on losing a Million Pounds!! 2018-02-26
Brandon Carter on hardship and going keto! 2018-02-23
Luis Villasenor of Keto Gains talks techniques and keto strategy! 2018-02-19
Carrie Brown on turning around bipolar 2 with keto! 2018-02-16
Jason Loewy on tracking your macros and knowing your numbers! 2018-02-12
Dr. Brianna Stubbs on ketone esters! 2018-02-09
Gillian Szollos on keto for epilepsy and hormonal pathways!! 2018-02-05
Alex Cunningham of Perfect Keto on biz and life! 2018-02-02
Drew Manning of Fit2Fat2Fit on empathy and transformation mentality! 2018-01-29
Ben Davis on using keto for PTSD and ultramarathons! 2018-01-26
Dr. Brian Lenzkes on using the ketogenic diet for patients! 2018-01-22

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