Husband, father and musician, Granger Smith discusses matters of faith, family, music and the outdoors, while spreading messages of integrity, honor, truth, and restoration grounded in a Christian worldview. This podcast is meant to provide light for the seekers, hope for the bleak, fuel for the motivated, encouragement for the steadfast, and restoration for the faithless. We magnifying the message of a story worth sharing, unashamed to tackle the politically incorrect, sensitive, patriotic, unabashed topics with the full intention of awakening a sense of meaningful life clarity.


Title Date published
#117 If you’re guilty of this, you’re a coward. 2022-01-03
#116 How is this pain supposed to make me better? 2021-12-27
#115 This weighs heavy on me. 2021-12-20
Why do you like these dirtbags? 2021-12-13
Don’t get mad at me for saying this. 2021-12-06
My kids are ruined 2021-11-29
Disappointing dad, a murder in the family & how to be a country singer 2021-11-22
What an easily offended world needs to hear 2021-11-15
Concerns about the future 2021-11-08
Are you trying to numb your mind? There's a better solution... 2021-11-01
Sometimes you gotta pump the breaks... 2021-10-25
I have some confessions to make 2021-10-18
We may have a problem (not a pity story) 2021-10-11
This will be the greatest challenge of your life 2021-10-04
Will I get canceled for saying this? 2021-09-27
Be careful! What is your identity? 2021-09-20
You sound mad at me 2021-09-13
If you can answer this... Don't do it! (Special episode 100) 2021-09-06
Sorry I get frustrated. But you can't question this! 2021-08-30
A huge problem in the house 2021-08-23

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