Learn the basics of astronomy in one-to-two minute packets of concise information about specific topics. You are a busy person with a short attention span, and you want to learn about astronomical topics in a short amount of time. Your host Professor Ata is a PhD research astronomer and astrophysicist and a noted authority on stellar and galactic astronomy. I welcome your feedback at ata.sarajedini@gmail.com. See the web site astronomyminute.org for more. The podcast logo is courtesy of Zachary Greathouse and shows a globular cluster photo taken by the author with the Hubble Space Telescope.


Title Date published
Which Notable Objects are in the Constellation of Andromeda? 2020-12-18
What is Meant by a Deep Sky Object? 2020-12-18
What is an Asterism? 2020-12-16
Why do We Study Astronomy? 2020-12-16
The Universe as a Time Machine 2020-12-11
How Old is the Universe, the Sun, and the Earth? 2020-12-11
What is a Light Year? 2020-12-09
What is Electromagnetic Radiation? 2020-12-04
What is Meant by the Hubble Flow? 2020-12-04
What is a Blackbody Curve or Planck Curve? 2020-11-29
What is Precession of the Equinoxes? 2020-11-29
What is Meant by the Signs of the Zodiac? 2020-11-24
Is There Life Elsewhere in the Universe? 2020-11-22
How Old is the Solar System? 2020-11-17
How Did Our Galaxy Form? 2020-11-14
Is There Such a Thing as THE Dark Side of the Moon? 2020-11-06
What is Meant by Taxonomy in Science? 2020-11-06
What are the Magellanic Clouds? 2020-11-06
What do I Need to Know About Isaac Newton? 2020-10-29
What do I Need to Know About Galileo? 2020-10-28

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