Three sports fans break down and review a new 30 for 30 documentary each week. Hosted by Sam Anderson, Ren Clayton, and Nic Rudolph.


Title Date published
34. Jalen Suggs, sports agents, and game winning plays 2021-04-05
33. Renee Richards, Transgender athletes, and college mascots 2021-04-03
32. Steve Bartman, fans, busted brackets, and live sports 2021-03-23
31. We're back! The Fab Five, Pitino firing, alcoholic drinks 2021-03-16
30. A milestone, SMU, recruiting violations, and a look back 2021-02-11
29. Unfulfilled talent, Marcus Dupree, and running backs 2021-02-04
28. Steroids, Marion Jones, Olympic Athletes 2021-01-29
27. FernandoMania, and baseball stadium bucket lists 2021-01-19
26. NASCAR, the AIDS epidemic, and cereal 2021-01-13
25. The breakup of Yugoslavia, international NBA players, and NFL playoff predictions 2021-01-06
24. The Curse, the Red Sox, and Christmas songs 2020-12-30
23. Running, Terry Fox, and Canadians 2020-12-23
22. The Yankees, their stadiums, and pet peeves 2020-12-17
21. Athlete rivalries, tennis, and a weekend getaway 2020-12-08
20. Tupac, Mike Tyson, and a walk down memory lane 2020-12-01
19. Little League and Thanksgiving foods 2020-11-24
18. Michael Jordan the baseball player, sports movies, and a Masters dispatch 2020-11-16
17. BMX and fears 2020-11-11
16. Pablo Escobar, Columbian soccer, Halloween candy, and Tim Tebow 2020-11-02
15. O.J. Simpson and great sports days 2020-10-27

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