The PBD Podcast is a podcast that discusses, current events, trending topics and politics as they relate to life and business. Stay tuned for new episodes and guest appearances.


Title Date published
Jack Ma, Michael Murry and Janet Yellen are Making Millions | PBD Podcast | EP 35 2021-01-05
The Apple Car | PBD Podcast | EP 34 2020-12-30
You're Putting Grandma in the Corner? | PBD Podcast | EP 33 2020-12-17
Bet-David? Thats a Jewish Name | PBD Podcast | EP 32 2020-12-15
Leonardo Dicaprio, the GOAT of our Generation | PBD Podcast | EP 31 2020-12-08
The Hot Pool Boy at Mar-a-Lago | PBD Podcast | EP 30 2020-12-03
Amazon's on a Hiring-Spree | EP 29 - Guest Tom Ellsworth (Biz Doc) 2020-12-01
I Do Not Concede! | PBD Podcast | EP 28 2020-11-26
Did You Ever Have a Playboy Subscription? | PBD Podcast | EP 27 2020-11-19
Former DEA Agent Steve Murphy | PBD Podcast | EP 26 2020-11-18
It's Singles Day at Alibaba | PBD Podcast | EP 25 2020-11-12
Robert Kiyosaki Calls into the PBD Podcast | EP 24 2020-11-11
Where's the RED Wave?? | PBD Podcast | EP 23 2020-11-06
Are You CNN or FOX? | PBD Podcast | EP 21 2020-10-27
FINAL PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE | BetDavid Podcast | EP 20 PT. 2 2020-10-26
FINAL PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE | BetDavid Podcast | EP 20 PT. 1 2020-10-26
Happy Birthday Patrick! | PBD Podcast | EP 19 2020-10-16
How Much is Howard Stern Worth? | PBD Podcast | EP 18 2020-10-08
The Death of the Silver Screen | PBD Podcast | EP 17 2020-10-06
Reaction to Biden vs. Trump Debate | PBD Podcast | EP 16 2020-10-01

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