Black/African American female presenting the views from an independent point of view.


Title Date published
Does Black America need to give itself a Valentine's Day Card filled with hugs and kisses? Where is the love? 2023-02-14
What does Black America want from Santa this year? 2022-12-25
What should scare Black people more...a Republican takeover of the House & Senate or two more years of Democrats lack of cohesion? 2022-10-30
Labor Day 2022: What does a $15 federal minimum wage mean to Black America? 2022-09-06
4th of July: What are Black People Really Celebrating? Are Blacks in America Really Free? 2022-07-04
Juneteenth: What are Black people really celebrating? 2022-06-13
Where is Vice President Harris? 2021-11-27
Are Black People Weathering the Virus Under Biden 2021-09-21
Juneteenth Are Blacks in America Really Free? 2021-06-23
Podcast #4 Season 2 Violence in the Black Community 2021-05-22
Podcast #3 Season 2 Blacks v. Asians 2021-04-20
Blacks Under President Biden 2021-03-15
Black on Black Love 2021-02-10
Episode #6 Should Black people take the Covid 19 Vaccine? 2020-12-23
Black Women Elected Joseph R. Biden, Jr.! 2020-11-10
Black America's Health in the pandemic 2020-10-21
Democrats Chances 2020 2020-09-21
Race & the Semi-Black 2020-08-27
Biden's VP Pick 2020-08-11

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