This is the Pingry Politics Podcast. We want to make the often complex issues of modern politics more accessible to Pingry students. The podcast will host a variety of students and members of the Pingry community to share on the political topics they are passionate about. Through this we hope inspire civil discourse and further political understanding. To get in contact, email: or Any views promoted on the podcasts are that of the participants and do not reflect the Pingry School. By Marcus Brotman and Sean Lyons


Title Date published
Freight Rail, With Marcus Brotman 2021-05-05
Economics Education, with Mr. Barr 2021-02-05
The How's and Why's of Civil Discourse, with Dr. Peter Horn 2021-01-31
Local Firms: Lombardi Pizza Co 2021-01-11
South Asian Geopolitics and Teaching Abroad, with Saad Toor 2020-12-13
The Public Pensions Crisis, With Russel Kamp 2020-10-19
Water and Native legal defense with the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) 2020-10-13
Yom-Kippur and Modern America, with Rabbi Sagal 2020-10-03
The Holy Grail of Energy; Nuclear Fusion with Dr. Brendan Lyons 2020-10-03
AP US History 1812-1850 2020-10-03
Mexico, the other side of the border; with Ricardo Vollbrecthausen 2020-10-03
Quantitative-Easing, with Dr. Luis Brunstein 2020-10-02

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