Wild Thing is a long-form, narrative podcast about the obsessions that capture our imaginations. This sound-rich and deeply reported show examines the relationship between science and society—that point where scientific inquiry collides with our very human desire to find answers, even when there are none. Whether it's seeking out Sasquatch, looking skyward for extraterrestrial life, or probing the power of the atom, exploring the unknown helps us better understand ourselves. Every season, host Laura Krantz tackles a brand new topic, so be sure to start with the first episode for each one.


Title Date published
Listen Now: Blood Vines 2025-02-05
S1 Bonus Interview: In Memory of Peter Byrne 2024-03-15
Introducing the new Wild Thing book 2022-09-13
S3 Bonus Preview - Mutants 2022-07-20
S3 E9: An Atomic Future 2022-07-12
S3 E8: Risky Business 2022-07-05
S3 E7: Half-Life 2022-06-28
S3 E6: You Look Radiant 2022-06-21
S3 E5: Trust Issues 2022-06-14
S3 E4: Chain Reaction 2022-06-07
S3 E3: A New(clear) Hope 2022-05-31
S3 E2: Out Of Little Things 2022-05-24
S3 E1: Close To Home 2022-05-17
S3 Wild Thing: Going Nuclear Trailer 2022-04-19
S2 E10: The Truth Is Out There 2020-11-19
S2 E9: You Gotta Have Faith 2020-11-12
S2 E8: Popular Science (Fiction) 2020-11-05
S2 E7: E.T. Phone Home 2020-10-29
S2 E6: Hear No Aliens, See No Aliens 2020-10-22
S2 E5: Independence Day 2020-10-15

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