What if the government actually did cover something up in Roswell? What if yetis exist and are just really shy? What if super-intelligent lizards are wearing human skin suits, influencing international affairs and recording podcasts? Conspiracy theories are cool because they appeal to our evolved logical human brains and our stupid mammal idiot brains. So join host, comedian and skeptic, Katelyn Hempstead and producer Alexis B. Preston, as their brilliant friends try to convince them of these and many other conspiracy theories.


Title Date published
Free Energy with Willy Roberts and Wade Randolph (Crossover Episode) 2017-08-25
Willy Wonka Is A Serial Killer with Rian Kountzhouse 2017-08-18
Nickelodeon and Mental Illness with Sarah and Alex Franklin 2017-08-11
The Tunguska Event with Steven Ray Morris 2017-08-04
Amelia Earhart with Mel Stephens 2017-07-28
Sturgill Simpson Is a CIA Assassin with George Barber 2017-07-21
Ben Carson and Stacey Dash Are Racist Robots with Travis Coles 2017-07-14
Fran Theory Mini Ep. #7 - Futurama + The Simpsons = Illuminati 2017-07-12
GMOs and Pesticides with Jackie Michele Johnson 2017-07-07
The Sodder Children with Tamar Stevens 2017-06-30
Catcher In The Rye Triggers Assassins with Cassi Jerkins 2017-06-23
The Mothman with Dave Child 2017-06-16
Avril Lavigne Is Dead with Kasey Koop 2017-06-09
New Coke Was Planned To Fail with Will Hines 2017-06-02
Paul Is Dead with Greg Smith 2017-05-26
Beyonce's Pregnancy Surrogate with Molly Fite and Liz Jenkins 2017-05-19
Elvis Is Alive with Clare Loughran 2017-05-12
Walt Disney's Cryogenically Frozen Body with Rachel Chapman 2017-05-05
NBA Referees Rigged the 2016 Finals with Naomi Villa 2017-04-28
All Celebrities Wear Wigs with Erin Byrne 2017-04-21

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