What if the government actually did cover something up in Roswell? What if yetis exist and are just really shy? What if super-intelligent lizards are wearing human skin suits, influencing international affairs and recording podcasts? Conspiracy theories are cool because they appeal to our evolved logical human brains and our stupid mammal idiot brains. So join host, comedian and skeptic, Katelyn Hempstead and producer Alexis B. Preston, as their brilliant friends try to convince them of these and many other conspiracy theories.


Title Date published
Bush and Britney with Sarah Franklin 2016-07-29
Fran Theory Mini Ep. #1 - The Ballad of Melania Trump 2016-07-22
Bohemian Grove with Dave Child 2016-07-15
Big Pharma with Omri Kruvi 2016-07-08
The Denver Airport with Oliver Carder 2016-07-01
Hitler's Death with Erika Curry 2016-06-24
Andy Kaufman's Death with Lindsay Stidham 2016-06-17
Simulation Theory with Joe Quint 2016-06-03
Beyonce and the Illuminati with Olivia Duncan 2016-05-20
Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer with Michael Dean 2016-05-06
Princess Diana with Jamie Di Spirito 2016-04-22
OJ Simpson with Nicole Jeans 2016-04-08
Area 51 with Ian Hamilton 2016-03-25
Katy and JonBenét with Nina Concepción 2016-03-11
The Moon Landing with Evan Ponter 2016-02-26
DB Cooper with Colton Stickney 2016-02-15
Incandescent Lightbulbs with Jessica Christian 2016-01-29
Elvis with Todd McClintock 2016-01-15
Bigfoot with Ashlyn Anstee 2015-12-30

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