What if the government actually did cover something up in Roswell? What if yetis exist and are just really shy? What if super-intelligent lizards are wearing human skin suits, influencing international affairs and recording podcasts? Conspiracy theories are cool because they appeal to our evolved logical human brains and our stupid mammal idiot brains. So join host, comedian and skeptic, Katelyn Hempstead and producer Alexis B. Preston, as their brilliant friends try to convince them of these and many other conspiracy theories.


Title Date published
Tommy Wiseau is an Alien with Babs Gray 2020-07-18
Jay-Z is Nicki Minaj with Angela Gulner 2020-07-10
The Casting Mask with Todd McClintock 2020-07-03
Disney's Fascist Stormtrooper Plot with Dahlya Glick 2020-06-26
Project Blue Beam with Betsy Sodaro 2020-06-19
The Donner Party Wasn't That Hungry with Lauren Passell 2020-05-29
Astrology is Real with Cam and KarenLee Poter 2020-05-22
The CIA Created The Crack Epidemic with Cody Ziglar 2020-05-15
Robert Downey Jr Is A Gossip Column Hero with Eliza Skinner 2020-05-08
New York Is An Actor with Jesse and Julian 2020-04-24
Mini-Episode: True Government Conspiracies 2020-04-17
Shakespeare Wrote The Bible with Tom Neenan 2020-04-10
Coronavirus Conspiracies 2020-04-03
Melania is KGB with Jon Gabrus 2020-03-14
Dan Rather and the Kennedy Assasination with Jason Van Glass 2020-03-06
The Alcatraz Escape with Micah Light 2020-02-28
The Government's Honeybee Plot with Kelly and Lindsey 2020-02-21
The LA Streetcar Conspiracy with Jonathan Harris 2020-02-14
The Sixth Beatle with Zach Olsen 2020-02-07
Andrew WK's Big Lie with Joey and Justin 2020-01-31

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