What if the government actually did cover something up in Roswell? What if yetis exist and are just really shy? What if super-intelligent lizards are wearing human skin suits, influencing international affairs and recording podcasts? Conspiracy theories are cool because they appeal to our evolved logical human brains and our stupid mammal idiot brains. So join host, comedian and skeptic, Katelyn Hempstead and producer Alexis B. Preston, as their brilliant friends try to convince them of these and many other conspiracy theories.


Title Date published
The Montauk Project with Colleen Watson 2018-06-15
Melania’s Great Escape with Emily Schmidt 2018-06-08
The British Royals Are Lizard People with Sarah Claspell 2018-06-01
Nazis Inside the Earth with Marcy Jarreau 2018-05-25
The Call In Show! 2018-05-18
Finland Doesn’t Exist with Beth May 2018-05-11
Beyoncé is Solange’s Mother with Oscar Montoya 2018-05-04
The Secret Technology Gap with Geoff Ross 2018-04-27
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ Five Year Contract with Rebecca Leib 2018-04-20
The Homunculus with Andy Kneis 2018-04-13
Large Hadron Collider Or Shiva’s Stargate? with Kelly Nugent 2018-04-06
Michael Jordan’s Gambling Scandal with David Zwick 2018-03-30
The World Ended In 2000 with Grant Pardee 2018-03-23
Bitcoin Was Created By a Rogue AI with Sam Balter (Weird Work Podcast) 2018-03-16
Lyme Disease Is Biological Warfare with Alie Ward 2018-03-09
Elon Musk Is An Alien with Geoff Kaufman and Thayer Frechette 2018-03-02
Area 51 Is A Smokescreen with Winston Carter 2018-02-23
The Moon Is a Hollow Satellite with Matt McCarthy 2018-02-16
Genealogy Sites Are Stealing DNA Information with Dani Rosenberg 2018-02-09
Flat Earth with Ben Dietzel 2018-02-02

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