Official Wealthion Podcast Feed. Learn about money and the markets from leading investors from around the world, and discover how to build a more resilient, long-term plan for your investment portfolio. Look for new episodes each week.


Title Date published
Weekly Market Recap: The Market Is Calling The Fed’s Bluff - Who Will Win? | Lance Roberts & Adam Taggart 2022-07-30
De-Dollarization Is Accelerating, Propelled By China & Russia | Louis Gave 2022-07-29
Inflation Here To Stay As Globalization Dies? | Louis-Vincent Gave 2022-07-28
Abolish the Federal Reserve? | Austrian vs. Keynesian Economics 2022-07-26
Weekly Market Recap: Rally Or Rollover? Market At A Key Juncture | Lance Roberts & Adam Taggart 2022-07-23
A Fed Pivot Will Squash The Economy | Michael Lebowitz 2022-07-22
Don't Underestimate This Bear Market: Lower Prices Likely Ahead | Michael Lebowitz 2022-07-21
Endgame For Fiat Currencies Nears As Debt & Inflation Become Unsustainable | John Rubino 2022-07-20
TIPS vs I-Bonds: How Do TIPS Protect Against Inflation? And How Are They Different From I-Bonds? 2022-07-19
Weekly Market Recap: Strong Dollar At 20-Year High Creating Havoc 2022-07-16
Own These Assets To Survive The Bear Market | Jeff Snider 2022-07-15
Jeff Snider: Recession Will Worsen The Bear Market & The Fed Is Powerless To Stop It 2022-07-14
Commodities Setting Up To Boom Higher? | Rick Rule & Brien Lundin 2022-07-13
Is The Bear Market Over? Or Will Prices Drop Further? Q&A w/ Wealthion Financial Advisors 2022-07-11
Weekly Market Recap: Bad Earnings Forecasts To Tank Markets Further? 2022-07-09
The Big Money Is Made In Bear Markets As Deep Values Arise | David Hay 2022-07-08
We're Now In A 'Technical Recession'. What Will Happen Next? | David Hay 2022-07-07
I-Bonds For Inflation Protection: Why Own Them, How They Work, How To Buy Them, Pros & Cons 2022-07-06
Weekly Market Recap: Disappointing Earnings Forecasts To Tank Stocks From Here? 2022-07-02
Will A Fed Pivot Send Inflation Raging Higher? | Steve Hanke 2022-07-01

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