In the mood for a bone chilling tale? I've got you covered |


Title Date published
CLANCYPASTA | "The Finality of Home Movies" by AuthorJoJo 2021-06-09
CLANCYPASTA | "There's a Wall of Flesh in My Neighbor's Basement" by ItsTimeLadies 2020-12-19
CLANCYPASTA | "Red in Tooth and Claw" & "The Erebus Project" by The Vesper's Bell 2020-12-17
CLANCYPASTA | "Are You Getting Enough Sleep?" 2 Creepypastas 2020-11-27
CLANCYPASTA | "It's Upstairs" & More... | 2 Strange Tales 2020-11-17
CLANCYPASTA | "After That Night, I Wish We Didn't Put Security Cameras Outside" & Other Tales... 2020-11-11
CLANCYPASTA ORIGINAL | "My Father Worked at an Arcade in the Mid 70s" 2020-11-08
CLANCYPASTA | "Widow Makers" 2 Creepypastas 2020-11-02
CLANCYPASTA | "Ghost in the Machine" & 3 Other Tales... 2020-10-31
CLANCYPASTA | "I Don't Go Out to Sea Anymore, Here's Why" Ocean Horror Story 2020-10-29
CLANCYPASTA | "I Received a Noise Complaint Over a Dog Barking Too Late at Night. It Wasn't a Dog." 2 Creepypastas 2020-10-28
CLANCYPASTA | "I Investigated a Halloween Story of My Grandfather's. It Was a Mistake" 2 Creepypastas 2020-10-27
CLANCYPASTA | "I Bought a Pair of Headphones at the Thrift Store" 2 Paranormal Creepypastas 2020-10-26
CLANCYPASTA | "Cafe Flesh" by Amelie C Langlois 2020-10-24
CLANCYPASTA | "The Scariest Thing That Happened to Me as a Roofer" & Other Tales 2020-10-23
CLANCYPASTA | "Never Go Out on Cloudy Days" by Doomdragon682 2020-09-08
CLANCYPASTA | "NotAVirus.jpg" by stonecold-btch 2020-09-07
CLANCYPASTA | "I Thought My Roommate Got a Makeover. The Truth Was So Much Worse." by NorthSelection9 2020-08-28
CLANCYPASTA | "Accidents Happen" by kalenryan13 2020-08-24
CLANCYPASTA | "Eyes on Me" by Isaac Ashley 2020-08-22

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