What should we do during the pandemic as socialists? This podcast is based on the premise that our organizing work will be most effective when coupled with an understanding of the pandemic itself as a distinct political and economic force, something that can qualitatively change how we live and work. I’m talking with people with deep experience in socialist and progressive politics, especially in the U.S. Our overarching question is: during this pandemic, how might we not only defend whatever gains we’ve made to this point, but actually advance them?


Title Date published
E27: How to show up as socialists in unions. With Lisa Xu 2021-07-06
E26: The League of Revolutionary Black Workers. With Jerome Scott [55 minutes] 2021-06-19
E25: Greening Biden. With Thea Riofrancos 2021-03-22
E24: Game of Thrones. With Amel Ahmed 2021-03-07
E23.2: 100 Days of Socialism pt 2. With Daphna, Krystle, Ashik and David (15 minutes) 2021-02-18
E23.1: S3-100 Days of Socialism. With Daphna Thier, Sanjiv Gupta, Jake Douglas, Alexandra Walling 2021-02-07
E22: Reclaim the U.S.! With Mie Inouye 2021-01-17
E21: Democratic socialists versus the Republican Party (5 min + 10 min) 2021-01-08
E20: The Nordic pandemic. With Stellan Vinthagen (45 min) 2020-12-11
E19: A people of color’s history of DSA. With Alyssa de la Rosa and David Roddy (45 min) 2020-11-29
E18: The collapse of "consent to rule." With Cedric de Leon 2020-11-15
E17: Class, culture and party. With Vivek Chibber (60 min) 2020-11-02
E16: Marx 101--Surplus value. With Hadas Thier (45 min) 2020-10-30
E16: The work ahead, no matter who wins. With Sam Gindin (60 min) 2020-10-18
E15: Trump must go (10 min) 2020-09-30
E14. In memoriam: Leo Panitch on Empire, Socialism and November 2020-09-13
E13: When breathing became political (Season 2 opener) 2020-09-13
"What is democratic socialism?" (E9 bonus) 2020-09-07
E12: The long road. With Rachel Himes 2020-08-30
E11: Protest without precedent. With Doug McAdam 2020-08-30

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