What would happen if you fell into a black hole? How big is the universe? Just what the heck is a quasar, anyway? You've got questions, and astrophysicist Paul Sutter has the answers! Submit questions via Twitter using #AskASpaceman or post to facebook.com/PaulMattSutter. Every week you will come closer to COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE OF TIME AND SPACE!


Title Date published
AaS! 67: Why can't I be an astrophysicist? 2017-11-07
AaS! 66: What in the world is metallic hydrogen? 2017-10-17
AaS! 65: How does one become an astrophysicist? 2017-10-03
All about the "Sea and the Stars" AstroTour 2017-09-26
AaS! 64: What fate awaits the Voyagers? 2017-09-19
AaS! 63: How are we to understand quantum spin? 2017-09-05
AaS! 62: Why do some stars blow up? 2017-08-15
Update and Space Radio Preview 2017-08-08
AaS! 61: Where do giant magnetic fields come from? 2017-08-01
AaS! 60: What's the Deal with Time Crystals? 2017-07-18
AaS! 59: Do Black Holes Exist? 2017-07-04
AaS! 58: Is time travel possible? 2017-06-20
AaS! 57: What's the matter with dark matter? 2017-06-06
AaS! 56: What is the "Axis of Evil"? 2017-05-16
AaS! 55: Does dark energy exist? 2017-05-02
AaS! 54: What happens when galaxies collide? 2017-04-18
AaS! 53: Why is the Higgs boson important? (Part 2) 2017-04-04
AaS! 52: Why is the Higgs Boson important? (Part 1) 2017-03-21
AaS! 51: What has New Horizons learned about Pluto? 2017-03-07
AaS! 50: What's up with Saturn's rings? 2017-02-21

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