Award-winning podcast from the QI offices in which the writers of the hit BBC show discuss the best things they've found out this week. Hosted by Dan Schreiber (@schreiberland) with James Harkin (@jamesharkin), Andrew Hunter Murray (@andrewhunterm), and Anna Ptaszynski (#GetAnnaOnTwitter)


Title Date published
20: No Such Thing As A Dangerous Daffodil 2014-08-01
19: No Such Thing As Unicorn Stew 2014-07-25
18: No Such Thing As A Kilt On The Battlefield 2014-07-18
17: No Such Thing As A Bassoon In A Football Stadium 2014-07-11
16: No Such Thing As A Ghost In Poland 2014-07-05
15: No Such Thing As A Bulge In Ken's Groin 2014-06-28
NSTAAF International Factball: South Korea v Ghana 2014-06-26
NSTAAF International Factball: Iran v Argentina v Ecuador 2014-06-25
NSTAAF International Factball: Greece v Japan 2014-06-24
NSTAAF International Factball: Australia v Mexico 2014-06-23
NSTAAF International Factball: USA v Russia 2014-06-22
NSTAAF International Factball: Bosnia v Nigeria 2014-06-21
NSTAAF International Factball: Italy v Switzerland 2014-06-20
NSTAAF International Factball: Colombia v Ivory Coast 2014-06-19
NSTAAF International Factball: Cameroon vs Chile 2014-06-18
NSTAAF International Factball: Belgium v Algeria 2014-06-16
NSTAAF International Factball: France v Honduras 2014-06-15
NSTAAF International Factball: Germany v Portugal 2014-06-15
NSTAAF International Factball: Uruguay v Costa Rica 2014-06-14
NSTAAF International Factball: Spain v Netherlands 2014-06-13

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