Cadillac Jack and Ali Mac, Mornings on Kicks 101-5


Title Date published
3-8 Thursday: Caddy broke his career day plaque ON AIR, and Ali Mac is looking for self defense classes 2018-03-08
Wednesday! 3-7 Caddy is EXCITED about career day! Plus, why doesn't Ali Mac doesn't feel safe anymore? 2018-03-07
Tues 3-6 Caddy QUITS career day, Ali Mac is trying to 'adult' and we count the cries on #TheBachelor 2018-03-06
Monday! 3-5 - Wiki (Oscar Picks), Caddy attended a heartbreaking funeral, & someone in Kicks Country needs your help! 2018-03-05
FriYay: 3-2 Hear our Oscar picks based on Wikipedia and #CadillacJacksGaffes! PLUS - 'Everything You Need to Know' & #CantBeatCaddy 2018-03-02
Cadillac Jack Gaffes 3-2 2018-03-02
Thursday, 3-1 Hear how Caddy feels on arming teachers and WHY did Ali call 911? 2018-03-01
2-28-18 Wednesday - Southern Siri, Exes at Weddings, & Caddy's Career Day Update! 2018-02-28
Cadillac Jack's Gaffes 2-23 2018-02-23
2-21-18 Wednesday - Ali Isn't Qualified to Parent & Caddy's Career Day Competition! 2018-02-21
2-20-18 - Tuesday - Lying About Moving & Bad Bumble Dates 2018-02-20
Cadillac Jack Gaffes 2-16 2018-02-16
Swipe Yes or No: Hear what happened with "Jared" and Michelle! 2018-02-15
2-9 Gaffes 2018-02-09
Meet the Heroes from 'The 15:17 to Paris' 2018-02-07
Cadillac Jack's Gaffes 2-2 2018-02-02
Hear My Niece and Nephews' Big Game Predictions! 2018-02-02
They're back!! Listen to our visit with Sugarland! 2018-02-01
Happy Birthday Lily Grace! 2018-01-26
Get Your Weekly Gaffes! 2018-01-26

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