Welcome to the Best Ever CRE Show, the world’s longest-running daily COMMERCIAL real estate podcast. Founded by Joe Fairless, a co-founder of Ashcroft Capital who went from buying $35,000 homes to controlling more than $2.7 billion in real estate assets, the Best Ever CRE Show provides commercial real estate expert insights, education, and timely information to our community of active and passive investors who want to build wealth, build a legacy, and do more good in the world. So if you want the real stories behind the good, the bad, and the worst ever deals — plus, insights into what really goes on in commercial real estate investing — you’re in the right place. Our hosts interview commercial real estate experts every day to uncover secrets and strategies YOU can use to become a better, more informed investor. This is the Best Ever CRE show.


Title Date published
JF1309: Get Out Of Student Loan Debt Through Real Estate Investing with Brentin Hess 2018-04-03
JF1308: From Small Deals To Over One MILLION Square Feet Of Office Space with John Bogdasarian 2018-04-02
JF1307: Apartment Due Diligence: How To Evaluate The Mechanics Of A Deal #SkillSetSunday with Nathan Tabor 2018-04-01
JF1306: He’s Got Capital For Your Deals with Dan Palmier 2018-03-31
JF1305: The Psychology Of Success: Why Your Mindset Will Make Or Break You with Rod Khleif 2018-03-30
JF1304: A Canadian Investing In The USA with Glen Sutherland 2018-03-29
JF1303: He Wants To Put An End To Zillow with Greg Hague 2018-03-28
JF1302: Switching To Wholesaling After Flipping Over 2000 Houses with Brad Chandler 2018-03-27
JF1301: Starting & Operating An Asset Based Investment Fund While Building A Rental Portfolio with Jeff Wallenius 2018-03-26
JF1300: Using The Best Data & Analytics To Optimize Airbnb Properties & Returns with Scott Shatford 2018-03-25
JF1299: Finding A Niche, Creating & Executing A Business Plan with Nathan Tabor 2018-03-24
JF1298: How To Create Over $2 Million In Investor Equity With Apartment Communities with Neal Bawa 2018-03-23
JF1297: Learning From A Bad First Investment with Drew Eldridge 2018-03-22
JF1296: How To Acquire & Control Over $100 Million In Property with Maureen Miles 2018-03-21
JF1295: Home Building In Developing Countries with Brett Hagler 2018-03-20
JF1294: Reviewing The Best Crowdfunding Platforms with Ian Ippolito 2018-03-19
JF1293: Using Facebook Live To Build Your Real Estate Brand #SkillSetSunday with Camberley Woods 2018-03-18
JF1292: Leaving A Comfy Corporate Job For Multifamily Syndication with Tamar Mar 2018-03-17
JF1291: What Is The Best Apartment Investing Strategy? #FollowAlongFriday 2018-03-16
JF1290: Closing 30+ Deals Per Month After Being In Business For Only 2 Years! With Lance Wakefield 2018-03-15

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