Welcome to the Best Ever CRE Show, the world’s longest-running daily COMMERCIAL real estate podcast. Founded by Joe Fairless, a co-founder of Ashcroft Capital who went from buying $35,000 homes to controlling more than $2.7 billion in real estate assets, the Best Ever CRE Show provides commercial real estate expert insights, education, and timely information to our community of active and passive investors who want to build wealth, build a legacy, and do more good in the world. So if you want the real stories behind the good, the bad, and the worst ever deals — plus, insights into what really goes on in commercial real estate investing — you’re in the right place. Our hosts interview commercial real estate experts every day to uncover secrets and strategies YOU can use to become a better, more informed investor. This is the Best Ever CRE show.


Title Date published
JF506: His Firm Buys in 22 Student/Multiunit MARKETS Nationwide! 2016-01-21
JF505: This Lender Closed a Deal for a Client that was Denied 24 Hours Prior! 2016-01-20
JF504: How You Can Achieve COMPLETE Automation in Your Real Estate Biz! 2016-01-19
JF503: He Thought BIG, From 8 Broken Houses to Multimillion Developments 2016-01-18
JF502: How to DOUBLE Your Business Profits! #skillsetsunday 2016-01-17
JF501: How to SCALE Your REI Biz and MAINTAIN a Superior Customer Experience #situationsaturday 2016-01-16
JF500: BOOST Your Following for MASSIVE Success! #followalongfriday 2016-01-15
JF499: This Trick Will Pay DOWN You Mortgage in a Few Years 2016-01-14
JF498: How He Raises $$$ and Engineers Transactions 2016-01-13
JF497: He Scored Over $30,000 on a Door Knock Deal! 2016-01-12
JF496: How You Can Invest with a Full Time Job 2016-01-11
JF495: How to be a Polished Public Speaker #skillsetsunday 2016-01-10
JF494: Targeting a Business Idea, and How to Raise $$$ For It #situationsaturday 2016-01-09
JF493: What You CANNOT Ignore Before Making an Investment #followalongfriday 2016-01-08
JF492: Take NOTES...Then Sell Them! 2016-01-07
JF491: Why YOU Need to Get Out More to Do More Deals! 2016-01-06
JF490: $266,000 PROFIT for an AZ Newbie Flipper! 2016-01-05
JF489: How a Mortgage Investor Makes Money Helping Lenders and Borrowers 2016-01-04
JF488: How to Build a Million Subscribers #skillsetsunday 2016-01-03
JF487: What to Do When You Have a Great Idea and No Money? #situationsaturday 2016-01-02

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