Welcome to the Best Ever CRE Show, the world’s longest-running daily COMMERCIAL real estate podcast. Founded by Joe Fairless, a co-founder of Ashcroft Capital who went from buying $35,000 homes to controlling more than $2.7 billion in real estate assets, the Best Ever CRE Show provides commercial real estate expert insights, education, and timely information to our community of active and passive investors who want to build wealth, build a legacy, and do more good in the world. So if you want the real stories behind the good, the bad, and the worst ever deals — plus, insights into what really goes on in commercial real estate investing — you’re in the right place. Our hosts interview commercial real estate experts every day to uncover secrets and strategies YOU can use to become a better, more informed investor. This is the Best Ever CRE show.


Title Date published
JF114: Ways to Increase YOUR Income Stream with Properties 2014-12-25
JF113: So, Wait a Minute, Real Estate ISN’T Like They Show on TV??!! 2014-12-24
JF112: Can’t Sell a House? DON’T Lower the Price. Do this Instead… 2014-12-23
JF111: The 10 Rules of Successful Real Estate Investing 2014-12-22
JF110: Finding YOUR Puppy + Experience YOUR Goals | #skillset Sunday 2014-12-21
JF109: Selfie…? Naw. Self STORAGE!! Evaluating Self Storage with a Self Storage Savant 2014-12-20
JF108: La La La La Land Trusts: Discover the Benefits & How to Use Dem Thangs 2014-12-19
JF107: Presenting…The World’s Fastest Refinance! 2014-12-18
JF106: How to Buy…a School…Say What?!? What!! 2014-12-17
JF105: Here is How to Create an Award-Winning Marketing Campaign 2014-12-16
JF104: Do this ONE THING then Watch your Sales Surge and Influence Grow! 2014-12-15
JF103: Setting Goals Like Michael Jordan: The Step-by-Step Process | #skillset Sunday 2014-12-14
JF102: YOUR Blueprint for Getting Started in Real Estate 2014-12-13
JF101: Build Your Buyer’s List First…Here’s Why 2014-12-12
JF100: Do this ONE thing to Close More Deals 2014-12-11
JF99: My 99 Year Old Grandma Gives You 99 Years of Priceless Best Advice Ever 2014-12-10
JF98: Location, location, location...NOT! 2014-12-09
JF97: Outsourcing 2.0 2014-12-08
JF96: Mmmmuah! Become a Matchmaker | #skillset Sunday 2014-12-07
JF95: Boat and Mini Storage Unit Investing…and SOOOO Much More! 2014-12-06

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