How would your life change if you reached Financial Independence and got to the point where working is optional? What actions can you take today to make that not just possible but probable. Jonathan & Brad explore the tactics that the FI community uses to reclaim decades of their lives. They discuss reducing expenses, crushing debt, tax optimization, building passive income streams through online businesses and real estate and how to travel the world for free. Every episode is packed with actionable tips and no topic is too big or small as long as it speeds up the process of reaching financial independence.


Title Date published
313 | Are You as Diversified as You Think You Are? 2021-04-16
312 | First-Time Home Buyer | Bigger Pockets 2021-04-12
311 | How to Travel for Free | Stereo Live Q&A 2021-04-09
310 | Get Good with Money | Tiffany Aliche, The Budgetnista 2021-04-05
309 | College Hacking : The Comprehensive Guide | Stereo Live Q&A 2021-04-02
308 | 102 Business Ideas for Kids |Simple Startup with Arianna and Sheila 2021-03-29
307 | How to Factor My Mortgage Into My FI Number| Live Stereo Q&A 2021-03-26
306 | Myths and Misconceptions |Diania Merriam 2021-03-22
305 | Finding Your Locus of Control | Stereo Live Q&A 2021-03-19
304 | Mapping Out Your FI Number 2021-03-15
303 | Structuring Your Emergency Fund | Stereo Live Q&A 2021-03-12
302| Navigating a Multigenerational Household | The Financial Tortoise 2021-03-08
301| Money and Relationships | Part 2 2021-03-05
300 | Relationships and Money | Jillian Johnsrud 2021-03-01
299 | What's Stopping You from Reaching FI? 2021-02-26
298 | Habits For Wealth Building | Rich and Regular 2021-02-22
297 | From Pandemic Layoff to $100k+ | A Salesforce Success Story |Anita Smith and Bradley Rice 2021-02-19
296 | Transition Planning from a Military Career on the Path to FI |Doug Nordman 2021-02-15
295 | Emergency Fund for the Zombie Apocalypse 2021-02-12
294 | From Corporate Muzzle to Invested Development | Amanda Holden The Dumpster Doggy 2021-02-08

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