The Official AWS Podcast is a podcast for developers and IT professionals looking for the latest news and trends in storage, security, infrastructure, serverless, and more. Join Simon Elisha and Hawn Nguyen-Loughren for regular updates, deep dives, launches, and interviews. Whether you’re training machine learning models, developing open source projects, or building cloud solutions, the Official AWS Podcast has something for you.


Title Date published
#205: More and More Updates 2017-08-28
#204: Lots of New Things! 2017-08-21
#203: Diving Into Parameter Store 2017-07-31
#202: The AWS Well-Architected Framework 2017-07-24
#201: A Raft of Updates 2017-07-10
#200: Introduction to Apache MXNet on AWS 2017-07-02
#199: Innovation with Windows on AWS 2017-06-25
#198 [Startup Stories Special #6] - Hiring for startups 2017-06-23
#197: Changing your Business with Amazon Kinesis 2017-06-19
#196 [Startup Stories Special #5] - Going global with a startup 2017-06-15
#195: Mapping Services to Regions and Lots of Updates 2017-06-12
#194 [Startup Stories Special #4] - Starting a challenger bank from scratch 2017-06-08
193: Amazon EC2 Container Service Update 2017-06-05
#192: [Startup Stories Special #3] - Securing VC backing 2017-06-01
#191: New EBS Snapshot Cost Allocation plus AWS Training and Certification Portal 2017-05-29
#190: [Startup Stories Special #2] - Crowdfunding for startups 2017-05-25
#189: Removing What is Not Needed and Some Service Updates 2017-05-22
#188: [Startup Stories Special #1] - OLIO – How a social startup took off 2017-05-18
#187: Data Lakes & IoT 2017-05-15
#186: A Bumper Collection of Updates 2017-05-08

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