In This Week in California Education, EdSource editors and reporters discuss the most current issues in education across the state of California.


Title Date published
Counselors or cops in Pomona Unified; full-day kindergarten in every school 2019-09-22
Big school bond with reforms, new pitch to presidential candidates 0001-01-01
Debating the merits of ranking schools; finding funding to repair them 0001-01-01
Historic deal on charters, contention over more high school math 0001-01-01
Fixing the college dropout ‘scandal’ 0001-01-01
Guidance on resilience, trauma from Paradise and El Paso 0001-01-01
Big bills in play when lawmakers go back to work 0001-01-01
Physics teachers in high demand; sticker-shock estimates for early ed 0001-01-01
How school districts are joining forces to take on Common Core math 0001-01-01
Newsom administration seeks compromise in push to reform charter law 0001-01-01
Coming to grips with children facing trauma 0001-01-01
Teaching districts the ABCs of charter oversight; putting a school bond on 2020 ballot 0001-01-01
What’s new and novel in Gov. Gavin Newsom’s first education budget 0001-01-01
Stunning defeat of parcel tax in L.A.; a bright idea to name California’s newest college 0001-01-01
Alarming absences in rural schools; big fight over new money for special ed 0001-01-01
Early push to rein in charter schools squeaks by; vote of confidence in Chancellor Oakley 0001-01-01
Linda Darling-Hammond on districts that ‘beat the odds’ 0001-01-01
Betsy DeVos meets the press; an update on community college reforms 0001-01-01
Housing affordability for teachers and strategies to boost education funding 0001-01-01
Restrictions on charter school growth move forward; efforts for more fairness in school renovation funding 0001-01-01

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