Forgotten history, bizarre tales & facts that seem too strange to be true! Host Michael Kent asks listeners to tell him something strange, bizarre or surprising that they‘ve recently learned and he gets to the bottom of it! Every episode ends by playing a gameshow-style quiz game with a celebrity guest. Part of the WCBE Podcast Experience.


Title Date published
Peter the Eagle: The U.S. Mint’s Unofficial Pet Bird 2024-03-18
William Rankin: The Man Who Fell Through a Cloud 2024-03-11
Abraham Lincoln Invented the Chokeslam - Rewind 2024-03-04
The Thing: When The Soviets Spied and Got Caught- REWIND 2024-02-26
Dr. Mary Edwards Walker: Defying Gender Norms During the Civil War 2024-02-19
Self Surgery: Leonid Rogozov Removed His Own Appendix 2024-02-12
Honus Wagner T206 : Scandal & The Journey of a Baseball Card 2024-02-05
Birdman & The Mysterious Toynbee Tiles 2024-01-29
Stealing Thunder: John Dennis & The Real Story Behind the Phrase 2024-01-22
The Amazing Story Behind the Bluetooth Logo 2024-01-15
Pusha T: A Rapper Who Wrote Music You’ve All Heard 2024-01-08
A Hidden Gem at a Government Auction - REWIND 2024-01-01
The German Christmas Pickle: Tradition or Marketing? REWIND 2023-12-25
Nazis in America: The Madison Square Garden Rally - Rewind 2023-12-11
The Red Ghost and The United States Camel Corps - Rewind 2023-12-04
Adobe Flash and The Demise of a Chinese Railroad - Rewind 2023-11-27
London Bridge is Falling Down (and coming to America) 2023-11-20
Sea Orphan: The Story of the Duperrault Family 2023-11-13
The Hartlepool Monkey Hangers 2023-11-06
A Halloween Digest - SUPER REWIND EPISODE 2023-10-30

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