You can‘t hide from The Saad Truth! The home for science, reason, logic, and common sense.


Title Date published
Suicidal Empathy & Post-Election Liberal Meltdown! Livestream with Viva Frei (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_751) 2024-11-12
Elon Musk vs Oprah Winfrey & the Importance of Costly Signalling in Elections (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_750) 2024-11-11
Physicist Dr. David Deutsch Returns - Science, Mathematics & Jew-Hatred (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_749) 2024-11-11
Things That Are Pissing Me Off - Part 4 (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_748) 2024-11-11
The Biggest Lesson I Learned from Escaping the Lebanese War (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_747) 2024-11-09
Trump's Victory, Musk's Influence, and Growing Up Jewish in Lebanon (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_746) 2024-11-08
No More Sexy Time with My Wife to Punish Her for Liking Donald Trump (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_745) 2024-11-08
The Will Cain Show - Discussing Reactions Post Trump's Victory (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_744) 2024-11-07
My Thoughts on Donald Trump's Historic Win (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_743) 2024-11-06
The Rubin Report - Suicidal Empathy and Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_742) 2024-11-06
Actor Rob Schneider - On Woke Hollywood, Great Films, and Politics (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_741) 2024-11-04
My Review of Conclave (Film) - Wokeism Destroys Everything (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_740) 2024-11-03
The Homeostasis of Trump Derangement Syndrome and the Dangers of Kamala Harris (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_739) 2024-11-02
Neurologist Dr. Richard Cytowic - Your Stone Age Brain in the Screen Age (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_738) 2024-11-01
Woke Culture is Killing Society - Keeping It Real with Jillian Michaels (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_737) 2024-10-30
The Emotional Incontinence of Kamala Harris and Her Supporters (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_736) 2024-10-30
Am I Hitler? (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_735) 2024-10-28
The Consuming Instinct - TEDx Lecture at Concordia University (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_734) 2024-10-28
The Power of Satire - The Humorless Kamala Harris Hacks (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_733) 2024-10-27
Kamala Harris Molested Me in 1977 During My Bar Mitzvah Lesson (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_732) 2024-10-24

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