Why are UFO‘s Top Secret? Besides conspiracy theories, there are many real-time events and discoveries that make you wonder if we are really alone in the universe. We discuss things like: How the post-WWII landscape shaped modern scientific thought on UFO‘s, which lead to the formation of the CIA, NSA and US Air Force. This includes current events and late breaking accounts that relate to UFO‘s of the past and present. Simply put, we are after the truth! (But can you handle the truth?!) Come on in!


Title Date published
#26 - Shifting the Balance of Power 2022-03-02
#25 - Are the Gods back? 2022-02-21
#24 - The Clintons, Trump & Aliens! 2022-02-02
#23 - The Invisible Government & The role of the NSA 2022-01-26
#22 - A closer look at the SOM1-01 (the MJ12 Manual) 2022-01-19
#21 - The Day the Earth Stood Still 2022-01-12
#20 - A Change in the Air: Disclosure 2022? 2022-01-05
#19 - A year in review: Happy New Year of Disclosure! 2021-12-22
#18 - Major Donald Keyhoe speaks out in 1960 2021-12-15
#17 - Jackie Gleason and President Nixon discussed UFO‘s while playing golf! 2021-12-08
#16 - Ancient achievements: We took them for granite! 2021-12-01
#15 -The Moon: An Outpost to Aliens? 2021-11-24
#14 - Ancient Astronauts Pt 2: Technology way ahead of its time! 2021-11-17
#13 - Clash of the Titans: The Struggle for Control Over Secrecy 2021-11-10
#12 - US Presidents and UFO‘s 2021-11-03
#11 - The Day After the Roswell Incident of 1947 2021-10-27
#10 -Can We Handle Truth? 2021-10-20
#9 - The Biggest ‘Story‘ of our Lives 2021-10-12
#8 - Government silencing of the many pilot sightings 2021-10-06
#7 - Ancient Astronauts and misunderstood technology 2021-09-29

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