Why are UFO‘s Top Secret? Besides conspiracy theories, there are many real-time events and discoveries that make you wonder if we are really alone in the universe. We discuss things like: How the post-WWII landscape shaped modern scientific thought on UFO‘s, which lead to the formation of the CIA, NSA and US Air Force. This includes current events and late breaking accounts that relate to UFO‘s of the past and present. Simply put, we are after the truth! (But can you handle the truth?!) Come on in!


Title Date published
#6 - President Eisenhower warned us! 2021-09-22
#5 - Has the public been mislead since the 1940‘s? 2021-09-16
The Need for Expanding the Secrecy 2021-09-08
Why are UFO‘s Top Secret with Bob Bria (Season 1-Episode 3) 2021-09-01
Why are UFO's Top Secret with Bob Bria (Season 1-Episode 2 - The MJ12 Document) 2021-08-25
Why are UFO's Top Secret with Bob Bria (Season 1-Episode 1) 2021-08-18
INTRO to Why are UFO's Top Secret podcast 2021-08-15

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