I help women create ultimate mental & physical wellness through meditating on God's Word to renew our minds, learning how to apply His truths to our lives and taking care of our bodies the way He intends us to. As a grateful believer in Jesus, I encourage women to seek & know God and grow a deeper relationship with Him. I believe we all have a God-shaped hole in our hearts and I want to point you to the only One who can fill it. My love for Jesus & my passion for wellness as a holistic health coach collide in this podcast that shares the gospel, gospel literally means GOOD NEWS! Don’t we need more of that in today’s world? Join me and be encouraged as we chat about God’s love and how to take care of you! You will learn how to pair spirit-led health (mind, body, spirit) and action in understanding long-term health, food freedom, consistent energy, meal prepping and motivation to workout. Join our Facebook sisterhood: Wellness and The Word Community! Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram @ryannechannell or email me at wellnessandtheword@gmail.com. Learn more at wellnessandtheword.com.


Title Date published
[70] Finding strength in softness with Marriage Empowerment Coach, Katie Mae Webb - Testimony Tuesday 2021-03-16
[69] Meditation Monday: 2 Corinthians 12:9 - God's grace is sufficient, His power shines through our weaknesses! 2021-03-15
[68] Meditation Monday: Psalm 139:23-24 - Search me God and know my heart 2021-03-08
[67] Turn your feet to God, start talking to HIM about your problems - Faith Friday 2021-03-05
[66] God says you are worthy, with Shannon Hansen from the Thriving Thyroid Podcast - Testimony Tuesday 2021-03-02
[65] Meditation Monday: Psalm 94:18-19 - God's unfailing love will always support us and bring us joy 2021-03-01
[64] Taking care of yourself IS taking care of others: take care of yourself in the care of God - Wellness Wednesday 2021-02-24
[63] Meditation Monday: Psalm 107:13-14 - Cry out to the Lord and He will break your chains 2021-02-22
[62] 2 things you need for an unbreakable spirit even through life's toughest storms - Faith Friday 2021-02-19
[61] God is for you! There's hope for the hopeless with Spiritual Coach, Miranda Wendler - Testimony Tuesday 2021-02-16
[60] Meditation Monday: John 15:5 - Remain in Jesus and you will bear much fruit, apart from Him we can do nothing 2021-02-15
[59] Finding your identity in Christ with Kristin Fields Chadwick - Faith Friday 2021-02-12
[58] Viewing health and wellness from a Biblical perspective - Wellness Wednesday - Interview from The Full on Purpose Podcast 2021-02-10
[57] Meditation Monday: Romans 12:2 - Don't conform to the world's standards, be transformed by the renewing of your mind through God's Word 2021-02-08
[56] You can be seen by the Heavenly Father, known by Jesus and touched by the Holy Spirit with Kristin Fields Chadwick - Testimony Tuesday 2021-02-02
[55] Meditation Monday: Jeremiah 29:11-13 - God has plans to give you hope and a future, you will seek Him and find Him when you seek Him with all your heart 2021-02-01
[54] How to say YES to God and let Him lead your life starting today - Faith Friday 2021-01-29
[53] Refresh your Spirit, Renew your Mind, Revitalize your Body with the Daniel Fast, with Author Stephanie Hodges - Wellness Wednesday 2021-01-27
[52] Meditation Monday: Matthew 6:33-34 - Do not worry about tomorrow, trust God will provide for you always 2021-01-25
[51] Habits of the world's longest living people - Wellness Wednesday 2021-01-20

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