An actor and a pollster ask who will guard the Republic. It's not your typical politics podcast.


Title Date published
Everyday He's More Batman 2021-02-19
A Big Tent for Conservatives and Kooks? 2021-02-05
It Really Is a New Day 2021-01-22
The Band-Aid Has Been Ripped Off 2021-01-08
The Hope & Sedition Episode 2020-12-11
Why Don't We Just Rename the Disease After Trump? 2020-11-20
I Like People Who Don't Lose Arizona 2020-11-13
We've Crossed the Delaware. Now What? 2020-11-06
The American Voter Is Our Guardian Now 2020-10-30
Did the Debate Move the Needle? C'mon! 2020-10-23
National Polls vs. Battleground Polls 2020-10-16
We Should Never Despair 2020-10-09
With a Heart Full of Love and Gratitude 2020-04-16
You're a Disgrace! You're a Disgrace! 2020-04-09
Anthony Fauci, the Most Lovely of Men 2020-04-03
Well, That's Ben Sasse For You! 2020-03-26
We WOULD Shut Down the Highways, You Idiot! 2020-03-19
The Coronavirus Episode 2020-03-12
The Joe Biden Episode 2020-03-05
The Bernie Sanders Episode 2020-02-27

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