<p><em>An Arm and a Leg&nbsp;</em>is a podcast about why health care costs so freaking much and what we can (maybe) do about it.</p> <p>If you&rsquo;ve ever been surprised by a medical bill, you&rsquo;re in good company. But as our team of seasoned journalists has learned from years of reporting &mdash; you&rsquo;re not always helpless. We don&rsquo;t have all the answers, but we&rsquo;ll offer you tools and big picture insights with plenty of humor and heart.&nbsp;</p> <p><em>An Arm and a Leg</em> is co-produced with <a href="https://kffhealthnews.org/">KFF Health News</a> and distributed in partnership with <a href="https://www.kuow.org/">KUOW</a>.</p> <p>You can support <em>An Arm and a Leg&nbsp;</em>by donating at <a href="https://armandalegshow.com/support/">armandalegshow.com/support/</a></p> <hr> <p><strong>Show Credits:&nbsp;</strong>Created, hosted, and produced by Dan Weissmann with senior producer Emily Pisacreta and engagement producer Claire Davenport, edited by Ellen Weiss. Audio wizard: Adam Raymonda. Music is by Dave Weiner and Blue Dot Sessions. Bea Bosco is our consulting director of operations. Lynne Johnson is our operations manager.</p>


Title Date published
How do you deal with wild drug prices? 2025-02-03
The ‘Shkreli Awards’ — for dysfunction and profiteering in health care 2025-01-16
This is An Arm and a Leg 2025-01-06
A listener fighting the good fight 2024-12-30
Revisiting ‘Christmas In July’ 2024-12-12
New lessons from the fight for charity care 2024-11-22
Fight health insurance — with help from AI 2024-11-01
Can racism make you sick? 2024-10-17
Special Feature: A Beloved Nursing Home, from “To See Each Other” 2024-10-01
“Baby steps” in the fight against facility fees 2024-09-26
Anatomy of a Fall: One rural hospital’s ransomware story (from Click Here) 2024-09-05
Don’t get “bullied” into paying what you don’t owe 2024-08-15
We want to see your hospital bills 2024-07-25
The woman who beat an $8,000 hospital fee 2024-07-11
Coming soon: your stories on facility fees 2024-07-03
Meet the Middleman’s Middleman 2024-06-13
Staying on Medicaid seems tougher than it should be 2024-05-23
We’re digging into “facility fees.” We need your help. 2024-05-02
The Hack 2024-04-11
Son of Medicare: Attack of the Machines 2024-03-21

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