The details matter! If you are a rider and struggle with making the changes in your position that improve how you follow your horse's movement and your communication with your horse, my Feldenkrais movement education, along with years of teaching and training will help you achieve your goals.


Title Date published
Mind, Body, Environment 2024-03-04
A Novel Way to Improve Your Balance 2023-04-29
Strategies for Quiet Hands 2022-11-29
Are You Addicted to the Struggle? 2022-07-29
Importance of Self-Use for In Hand Training 2022-05-31
Leg Position and Use 2022-03-23
An Unexpected Way for an Ideal Leg Position 2022-02-16
Developing "Feel": Some Strategies to Build 2021-06-07
Posting Trot: Function and Ease 2021-04-17
A Glimpse Into a Student's Journey 2021-04-09
Secrets for Soft Hands 2021-03-05
Thoughts on Developing Your Seat 2021-02-17
Feldenkrais for Riders 2021-01-27
How Dressage Riders Develop "Feel" 2021-01-22
Dressage Riders: Open Your Hip Angle 2021-01-12

Comments about Core Skills for Dressage Riders: Suzanne DeStefano

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