
Title Date published
#150 - StarCast: "eSports Noobisode" 2013-05-03
#149 - StarCast: "Beware the Faster Oracles" w/ Tobias Sherman 2013-04-26
#148 - StarCast: "Crazy EU WCS Qualifiers" w/ Fnatic's Elroy Pinto 2013-04-19
#147 - StarCast: "Why Would You Bring Your Kids to That?!" 2013-04-12
#146 - StarCast: "HotS Noobisode: Zerg" w/ LzGaMeR 2013-04-06
#145 - StarCast: "HotS Noobisode: Terran" w/ Fnatic.Naama 2013-03-29
#144 - StarCast: "HotS Noobisode: Protoss" w/ Fnatic.Harstem 2013-03-22
#143 - StarCast: "Open the Door Son" w/ Robert "Jim Raynor" Clotworthy 2013-03-15
#142 - StarCast: "Panda Costume Tactics" w/ FXO.desRow 2013-03-08
#141 - StarCast: "Jimmy and Kerrigan Sitting in a Tree" 2013-03-01
#140 - StarCast: "Zergling Butt Missiles" 2013-02-22
#139 - StarCast: "Good ViBErations" w/ ROOT.ViBE 2013-02-15
#138 - StarCast: "Brilliant Noob Experiences" w/ Elroy Pinto of FNATIC 2013-02-09
#137 - StarCast: “Zergy Zerg” w/ coL.Ryze 2013-02-01
#136 - StarCast: "Carbot Animations = Happy" w/ Jonathan Burton 2013-01-25
#135 - StarCast: "Not Enough Downvotes" 2013-01-18
#134 - StarCast: "(Siege) TANKSgiving" w/ MrBitter 2013-01-11
#133 - StarCast: "The 2012 Christmas Call-In Special" 2012-12-21
#132 - StarCast: "Drunks, Not Alcoholics" w/ BuDDhA 2012-12-16
#131 - StarCast: "I Don't Like D**ckheads" w/ Jason Lake 2012-12-07

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