Faith, pop culture, and headline reflections from Fr. Mike Schmitz.


Title Date published
Freedom and Its Consequences 2018-07-05
The Church and Immigration 2018-06-28
Consistency Will Make You Holy 2018-06-21
Why Non-Catholics Can’t Receive Communion 2018-06-14
Catholics, Alcohol, and Drinking 2018-06-07
How to be a Good Disciple of Christ 2018-05-31
Can a Catholic Marry a Non-Catholic? 2018-05-25
Religion Doesn't Cause as Many Wars as You Think 2018-05-18
Do You Present Your True Self to Others? 2018-05-14
Dealing with Stress 2018-05-09
3 Questions to Ask to Prevent Gossiping 2018-04-27
Is It OK To Stay The Night? 2018-04-20
The Culture of Netflix and Chill 2018-04-13
How to Prepare for the Sunday Readings 2018-04-06
Fr. Mike's Autobiography 2018-03-29
Take Courage! 2018-03-23
What's the Point of Fasting During Lent? 2018-03-16
Confessing the Same Sins Over and Over Again 2018-03-07
Why Should I Confess My Sins to a Priest? 2018-03-05
Should Catholics Call Priests Father 2018-02-26

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