Faith, pop culture, and headline reflections from Fr. Mike Schmitz.


Title Date published
Why You're Telling Little Lies and How to Stop 2023-07-06
Fr. Mike’s Prayer for Beginners 2023-06-29
Do Wives Have to Be Submissive? 2023-06-22
3 Reasons You Still Feel Bad After Confession 2023-06-15
Can I Sin on Accident? 2023-06-08
Is it Possible to Pray Too Much? 2023-06-01
The Christian Life IS Impossible 2023-05-25
If I'm Suffering, Is It Better Never to Be Born? 2023-05-18
Do I Need to Go to Confession? 2023-05-11
Why Doesn't God Heal Everybody? 2023-05-04
Am I a "Good Person?" 2023-04-27
Can I Go to Confession Over Zoom? 2023-04-20
Is My Confession Really a Secret? (The Seal of Confession Explained) 2023-04-13
Throwback Thursday: Praying Through Holy Week 2023-04-06
Why Did God Choose the Jewish People? 2023-03-30
If God Doesn't Need Us, Why Are We Here? 2023-03-23
When the Best Decision is to “Stay the Course” 2023-03-16
Why Belief Alone Isn’t Enough 2023-03-09
How Do I Know if I Made the Wrong Choice? 2023-03-02
When Lent Gets Inconvenient 2023-02-23

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