Faith, pop culture, and headline reflections from Fr. Mike Schmitz.


Title Date published
Struggling to Share the Gospel? Here's What's Missing 2022-09-29
What Does the Holy Spirit Actually Do? (Superhero Analogy) 2022-09-22
What is Purgatory? 2022-09-15
"Judgmental, Bigoted, Homophobic, Elitist, and Hypocritical" (The World’s Perception of Christians) 2022-09-08
This One Thing Makes Christianity Different From Every Other Religion 2022-09-01
Your Questions About Cremation and Burial: Answered 2022-08-25
Why Can’t Catholics Scatter Their Ashes? 2022-08-18
The Disciples Doubted the Eucharist. Do You? 2022-08-11
Saying Goodbye, Starting Over, and Transitioning 2022-08-04
The Shocking Reality of the Eucharist 2022-07-28
Why It's Important to Laugh at Yourself 2022-07-21
The Miracle of Confession 2022-07-14
How Do We Maintain Freedom in America? 2022-07-07
Why You Should Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church (+ NEW Podcast) 2022-06-30
Why Self-Care is Important for Loving Others 2022-06-23
How the Eucharist Changed My Life 2022-06-16
Is Judas in Hell? 2022-06-09
The One Reason You are Not Yet a Saint 2022-06-02
Pray About It? Or Just Do It? 2022-05-26
How to Love Someone that is Hard to Love 2022-05-19

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