We make the complicated stock market simple. We show you how to take advantage of the emotions in the market with lessons from successful strategies such as value investing and dividend growth investing, with a few elements of growth investing and trend following.


Title Date published
IFB170: Suspended Dividends, Industry Ideas, eLetter Holdings 2020-09-24
IFB169: Stock Splits, Ex Dividend Drops, Intrinsic Value 2020-09-17
IFB168 - An Asset Allocation Guide for Lifetime Wealth 2020-09-10
IFB167: Is It Time to Buy Growth Stocks? 2020-09-03
IFB166: 3 Questions About Selling 2020-08-27
IFB165: VIX, Roths, ETF Allocations 2020-08-20
IFB164: Politics in 2020, Uber, and Tesla with Vitaliy Katsenelson 2020-08-13
IFB163: Dividends, Diversification, and Reflections on the Approach 2020-08-06
IFB162: Circle of Competence Overlaps, In Defense of Intel 2020-07-30
IFB161: Circle of Competence, Semiconductor Industry, China Politics 2020-07-23
IFB160: Buying U.S. and Capital Light Compounding Stocks with Braden Dennis 2020-07-16
IFB159: Trailing Stops for Value Investors and Aggresive Investing in Your 40s 2020-07-09
IFB158: Stock Picking for Dummies 2020-07-02
IFB157: Price Ratios and Old Investing Books - Still Relevant 2020-06-25
IFB156: Q&A - Dripping Until Retirement, Lump Sum Investment After the Pandemic 2020-06-18
IFB155: Q&A - Insider Trading and Investing like Peter Lynch 2020-06-11
IFB154: Garbage In, Garbage Out 2020-06-04
IFB153: Cruiselines vs Autos vs Tesla 2020-05-28
IFB152: Hot Take - Check Your Portfolio Daily 2020-05-21
IFB151: Economy Basics Pt3 - Government Debt, Fiscal, and Trade Deficits 2020-05-14

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