In Washington, politicians are full of half-truths and hot air. They do little more than grandstanding by spouting off talking points and spin. The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz is here to help you cut through the rhetoric and noise and explore the politically right way to think about the issues .


Title Date published
How politics, not data, is driving policy on painkillers — and hurting patients Ep. 219 2018-04-27
It’s either the courts or our civilization Ep. 218 2018-04-25
Want to change the GOP? Swap out primaries for state conventions Ep. 217 2018-04-23
Aimless and masochist: Our topsy-turvy foreign policy: Ep. 216 2018-04-20
An interview with Shak Hill, candidate in VA-10, plus more on judicial insanity Ep. 215 2018-04-20
Why Gorsuch is dead wrong and dangerous on deportations and due process Ep. 214 2018-04-18
How to form a shadow government with citizens’ task forces Ep. 213 2018-04-16
Border patrol chief: The notion we can't stop illegal immigration and drugs is a lie Ep. 212 2018-04-13
Learning the Lessons of Bloods and Crips in the Middle East Ep. 211 2018-04-09
How gov’t is misdiagnosing the drug crisis, making it worse, and limiting freedoms Ep. 210 2018-04-04
What Trump can do to combat the assault on our national sovereignty Ep. 209 2018-04-03
Meet the candidates: Richard Moss challenging Rep. Larry Bucshon, IN-8 Ep. 208 2018-03-29
An interview with Jarrin Jackson, candidate for OK-2 Ep. 207 2018-03-26
Trump just made himself a lame duck after only 13 months Ep. 206 2018-03-23
How Government is Destroying Quality of Healthcare with Corporate Monopolies Ep. 205 2018-03-21
The week Republicans lose the midterms Ep. 204 2018-03-20
A conversation with Chris McDaniel on his runs for Senate in Mississippi Ep. 203 2018-03-16
The health-care narrative conservatives need to win elections Ep. 202 2018-03-14
Make it stick when it matters, Mr. President! Ep. 201 2018-03-12
Ted Cruz and the need for the GOP to run on a Texas-sized agenda Ep. 200 2018-03-07

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