The Instance: Weekly radio for fans and lovers of video games and the topics that shape the gaming world. We don't take sides, we don't whine, we just give you the facts, news and tips that you want and need for your favorite online addictions.


Title Date published
The Instance 515 - It Burns 2018-02-16
Instance 514 - Alpha Males 2018-02-09
The Instance 513 - This time, with more antlers 2018-02-02
511 - Who's gonna save WoW for history? 2018-01-12
510 - Forward Momentum 2017-12-29
509 - Deep Dungeons 2017-12-15
508 - Antorus for Us 2017-12-01
507 - Wrynn Body Spray 2017-11-24
506 - The Battle for Talking About Azeroth 2017-11-10
505 - The Instance at Blizzcon, with Chris Robinson! 2017-11-06
504 - The Instance: Boxes in Boxes 2017-10-20
503 - The Instance: Doing his dark work 2017-10-12
502 - The Instance: Happy Birthday, Panda Town 2017-09-30
501 - The Instance: One Thousand Years 2017-09-22
500 - The Instance: I am my scars 2017-09-08
499 - The Instance: Seven Point Three 2017-09-01
The Instance Gamescom 2017 Edition 2017-08-23
498 - The Instance: Gamescom Cometh 2017-08-18
497 - The Instance: Beyond The Burger Story 2017-08-04
496 - The Instance: 7.3 Story is off the chain 2017-07-14

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