Helping believers think Christianly about theological and cultural issues by engaging in curious conversations with a diverse range of thoughtful people.


Title Date published
802: #702 - Race, Repent, and Repair: With Tyler Burns 2020-07-16
801: Black Lives Matter and the Gospel: Lisa Fields 2020-07-13
800: The Trinity, the Book of Hebrews, and Women in Evangelical Education: Dr. Madison Pierce 2020-07-09
799: Is it Okay to Hug a Woman in a Post-#MeToo World? Lore Ferguson Wilbert 2020-07-06
798: From a Gay Designer in Hollywood to a Radical Follower of Christ: Becket Cook 2020-06-29
797: The Future of Christian Education: Spencer MacCuish 2020-06-22
796: I Finally Discovered My Enneagram Number! A Convo with Enneagram Guru Jeff Cook 2020-06-15
795: #795 - A Christian Response to the Death of George Floyd: Justin Giboney 2020-06-08
794: What If Church Centered on the Table Not the Stage? Chris Wienand 2020-06-01
793: Covid-19 and the Politicalization of a Pandemic: Another Conversation with John C. Bivona 2020-05-25
792: On Being a Woman Pastor-Theologian: A Conversation with Dr. Sharon Hodde 2020-05-18
791: #791 - What’s Wrong with Calling it the “Chinese Virus,” and Other Controversial Topics: Eugene Cho 2020-05-11
790: #790 - White Evangelicalism, Anti-Trumpism, Dialoging across the Divide, and Mitch Claiborne 2020-05-04
789: Church in a Post-Covid-19 World: Hugh Halter 2020-04-27
788: #788 - The Truth about Covid-19: John C. Bivona 2020-04-20
787: #787 - Sex, Female Sexuality, and 50 Shades of Grey: Dr. Juli Slattery 2020-04-13
786: #786 - Pride Parades, Vaccines, Corporal Punishment, and More 2020-04-06
785: #785 - Rethinking Church: A Conversation with Dr. John Whittaker 2020-03-30
#784 - Still a Christian: A Conversation with Justin Brierley 2020-03-23
783: #783 - Trinitarianism Versus Unitarianism? A Conversation with Chris Date and Sam Adams 2020-03-16

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