Ever feel like no matter what you do, you'll never have “enough” money? Join the club! On Everyone’s Talkin' Money, we know it’s not just about the dollars—it’s the sleepless nights, the 3 a.m. “Can I afford that?” panic, and the fear of never hitting your goals. I'm here to change all that. Hosted by Shannah Game, Certified Financial Planner, Certified Trauma of Money Specialist, and soon-to-be author of Unraveling Your Relationship with Money (coming Feb 2025), this show skips the BS and digs into what’s really keeping you stuck—those emotional triggers and habits we all have but never talk about. Whether it’s money guilt, fear, or just plain overwhelm, we’ve got real stories and laugh-out-loud tips to help you stop stressing and start building actual wealth. Healthy wealth. If you’re tired of advice from finance bros who yell at you for making mistakes and jargon-filled lectures, hit subscribe and tune in for a refreshing take on building wealth in a way that’s real, doable, and actually enjoyable. It’s time to kick fear to the curb and build the life (and bank account) you deserve.


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