The HousingWire Daily podcast brings the full picture of the most compelling stories in the housing market reported across HousingWire. Each morning, listen to editor in chief Sarah Wheeler talk to leading industry voices and get a deeper look behind the scenes of the top mortgage and real estate stories. Hosted and produced by the HousingWire Content Studio.


Title Date published
Creating more transparency in real estate transactions 2024-01-17
Chris Clow on the demographics favoring reverse mortgages 2024-01-16
Logan Mohtashami on inflation and why we'll still see rate cuts in 2024 2024-01-15
James Kleimann on what’s happening at NAR 2024-01-12
Logan Mohtashami on how many homes will take price cuts this spring 2024-01-11
Dan Sogorka on how AI is going to create new winners in housing 2024-01-10
Clayton Collins on Power House and what he’s learned interviewing mortgage execs 2024-01-09
Logan Mohtashami: Is the labor market finally getting softer? 2024-01-08
James Kleimann on the commission lawsuits update 2024-01-05
Logan Mohtashami on why the silver tsunami thesis is still wrong 2024-01-04
James Kleimann on a widespread LO comp practice that might be illegal 2024-01-03
Lead generation through authenticity with top agent Lauryn Dempsey 2024-01-02
Logan Mohtashami’s 2024 forecast: A positive reset for housing 2024-01-01
Comparing the U.S. and Australian housing markets amid commission lawsuits 2023-12-29
Logan Mohtashami on the resiliency of 2023 home prices 2023-12-28
How tech and affordability will influence the housing market in 2024 2023-12-27
Logan Mohtashami: 2023 ends with a soft landing. Will it continue? 2023-12-26
The perils of forecasting mortgage rates for 2024 2023-12-22
Logan Mohtashami: Will the missing homebuyers come back in 2024? 2023-12-21
Kristen Sieffert on the state of the reverse mortgage industry 2023-12-20

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