The HousingWire Daily podcast brings the full picture of the most compelling stories in the housing market reported across HousingWire. Each morning, listen to editor in chief Sarah Wheeler talk to leading industry voices and get a deeper look behind the scenes of the top mortgage and real estate stories. Hosted and produced by the HousingWire Content Studio.


Title Date published
The FHFA finally announces a solution for servicer liquidity 2020-04-21
Is there still a spring home-buying season? 2020-04-20
The industry’s fight to save the Paycheck Protection Program 2020-04-17
The pressure to create a servicing liquidity facility heats up 2020-04-16
Appraisals take center stage in creating emergency relief 2020-04-15
HUD Secretary Ben Carson answers where housing stands in the pandemic 2020-04-14
Are tighter lending standards the new normal? 2020-04-13
The Fed is keeping its eyes on mortgage servicers 2020-04-10
The Industry responds to FHFA Director Mark Calabria's views on mortgage servicing 2020-04-09
FHFA Director Mark Calabria responds to the industry 2020-04-08
Does the industry need a liquidity facility for servicers? 2020-04-07

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