You can afford anything, but not everything. We make daily decisions about how to spend money, time, energy, focus and attention – and ultimately, our life. How do we make smarter decisions? How do we think from first principles? On the surface, Afford Anything seems like a podcast about money and investing. But under the hood, this is a show about how to think critically, recognize our behavioral blind spots, and make smarter choices. We’re into the psychology of money, and we love metacognition: thinking about how to think. In some episodes, we interview world-class experts: professors, researchers, scientists, authors. In other episodes, we answer your questions, talking through decision-making frameworks and mental models. Want to learn more? Download our free book, Escape, at Hosted by Paula Pant.


Title Date published
Ask Paula: If I Were to Interview Suze Orman Again Today, How Would It Go? 2021-01-04
The One Question That Makes Everything Easier, with Geoff Woods 2021-01-01
PSA Thursday: Kickoff 2021 with a 31-Day Challenge 2020-12-31
Ask Paula: I’m an Investor Who likes Volatility; What Should I Buy? 2020-12-29
PSA Thursday - Year-End Tax Moves to Finish 2020 2020-12-24
How to Command Respect at Work, with Tracy Tutor 2020-12-22
Ask Paula: Is Upgrading Our Lifestyle Worth Mortgaging a More Expensive House? 2020-12-15
PSA Thursday: What’s Happening with Student Loans? 2020-12-11
Business Principles that Improve Your Life, with Josh Kaufman 2020-12-08
Ask Paula: How Should You Invest a $1 Million Lump Sum? 2020-12-04
PSA Thursday: To Buy or Not to Buy? 2020-12-03
Put Yourself on the Hook, with Seth Godin 2020-11-30
PSA Thursday: How to Slash Your Food Budget, with Rosemary Fotheringham 2020-11-26
Ask Paula: How Long Will It Take Me to Become a Millionaire? 2020-11-25
Ask Paula: How Can I Pay for Grad School? 2020-11-20
PSA Thursday: Broadcasting Live from FinConX 2020-11-13
The Psychology of Money, with Morgan Housel 2020-11-09
PSA Thursday: Teaching Technology to the Elderly 2020-11-05
Ask Paula: Could the Stock Market Be Too Much of a Gamble? 2020-11-02
PSA Thursday - The Affordable Care Act, with Tanja Hester 2020-10-31

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