America is more divided than ever—but it doesn’t have to be. Open to Debate offers an antidote to the chaos. We bring multiple perspectives together for real, nonpartisan debates. Debates that are structured, respectful, clever, provocative, and driven by the facts. Open to Debate is on a mission to restore balance to the public square through expert moderation, good-faith arguments, and reasoned analysis. We examine the issues of the day with the world’s most influential thinkers spanning science, technology, politics, culture, and global affairs. It’s time to build a stronger, more united democracy with the civil exchange of ideas. Be open-minded. Be curious. Be ready to listen. Join us in being Open to Debate. (Formerly Intelligence Squared U.S.)


Title Date published
#140 - Is the U.S. Healthcare System Terminally Broken? 2017-10-04
#139 - Face-Off with China: Foreign Policy in the Trump Era 2017-09-20
How to Debate... Yourself. 2017-08-30
A Summer Challenge: Radical Rethinking 2017-08-09
The State of Debate on Capitol Hill: The American Health Care Act 2017-06-27
#138 - Your Private Data: Can Tech Companies Keep it from the Law? 2017-06-14
#137 - Will Video Games Make Us Smarter? 2017-05-17
#136 - Unresolved: Trump's First 100 Days 2017-05-01
#135 - Has Walmart Been Good For America? 2017-04-12
#134 - Is Universal Basic Income the Safety Net of the Future? 2017-03-29
#133 - Are Charter Schools Overrated? 2017-03-08
#132 - Has the U.S.-Saudi "Special Relationship" Outlived its Usefulness? 2017-02-15
#131 - Should We Give Trump a Chance? 2017-02-07
#130 - Is Policing Racially Biased? 2017-01-18
#129 - Should States Call a Convention to Amend the Constitution? 2016-12-14
#128 - Is Obama's Foreign Policy a Failure? 2016-12-07
#127 - Has Gerrymandering Destroyed the Political Center? 2016-11-23
#126 - Should We Give Undocumented Immigrants a Path to Citizenship? 2016-11-02
#125 - Is "Big Pharma" to Blame for Rising Health Care Costs? 2016-10-19
#124 - Are the Elites to Blame for the Trump Phenomenon? 2016-09-21

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