Animal Spirits is a show about markets, life, and investing. Join Michael Batnick and Ben Carlson as they talk about what they're reading, writing, listening to and watching. Look for new episodes every Wednesday morning. See our disclosures here -


Title Date published
Talk Your Book: Options Are Eating the Stock Market 2022-01-10
Why The Bull Market Could Last a Lot Longer (EP.238) 2022-01-05
Howard Lindzon Unplugged 2022-01-01
When to Sell a Growth Stock (EP.237) 2021-12-29
Listener Mailbag 2021-12-27
An Extraordinary Decade (EP.236) 2021-12-22
Talk Your Book: Massive ETF Inflows 2021-12-20
Person of the Year (EP.235) 2021-12-15
Talk Your Book: Investing in Carbon Allowances 2021-12-13
The Most Crowded Stocks (EP.234) 2021-12-08
Talk Your Book: Down with Title Insurance 2021-12-04
Housing Prices Are Still Too Low (EP.233) 2021-12-01
The High Beta Crash (EP.232) 2021-11-24
Talk Your Book: Where to Save For Your Down Payment 2021-11-22
Everyone Hates Inflation (EP.231) 2021-11-17
Great Quartr Guys (EP.230) 2021-11-10
Talk Your Book: Why Annuities Have Higher Yields Than Bonds 2021-11-08
There's No Crying in Crypto (EP.229) 2021-11-03
Talk Your Book: Real World Betting Markets 2021-11-01
Hyperinflation, It's Happening (EP.228) 2021-10-27

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